Monday, September 10, 2007

‘That Guy on TV’ Finally Enters Race

Two more reasons to support a woman's right to choose.

Fred Thompson officially entered the race last week on Jay Leno, ignoring the GOP debate like everyone else in America. The nation has been watching with disinterest for months as the announcement of his candidacy was hinted at and delayed almost every day. I’d call it teasing, but his candidacy isn’t something most people have been looking forward to. Some in the GOP think he is the answer to the lackluster enthusiasm for cross-dressing Rudy Giuliani and baby-eating Mitt Romney, but he actually combines unfortunate traits from both candidates such as being a slut while also coming off as moralistic and holier-than-thou. The former senator and Law and Order actor is actually running second in national polls of GOP presidential candidates, which just shows how unlikable and ignorant both the candidates and Republican primary voters are. Polls also show that he and every other GOP candidate would lose against any one of the Democratic candidates, save Bill Richardson, though Bill would manage to beat Mitt Romney.

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